Monday, June 28, 2010

Mandi-Rigma in COLOR!

Click on image to enlarge

I drew and inked the illustration and SR did her amazing color work. Pencil/Pen&Ink/Watercolor and Acrylic.

Tuesday, June 1, 2010

Junkie iPhone App

Here is the work I did with Nabeel for Junkie Status, the above icon logo and the screen illustrations. Photoshop and illustrator. Pro Basketball Players Quiz. Name that school. This was alot of fun. Thanks Nabeel!

Title Screen:

The about screen:

The Question Screen:

Here are the statuses 1-4:

Beeconomic Animated Commercial

Storyboards from script by Chris Chong

I also did the illustrations for the following video which was animated
by the amazing Eugene Yow.
Script by Chris Chong and produced by him and Karl.

How Beeconomic Saves You 50% or More from Beeconomic on Vimeo.


Here is some work I did for Beeconomic, which is run by Karl Chong.
Here is a sample of the design process for the mascot. They picked middle row, 4th from the right for their logo.

The Logo ended up looking like this: