It's a motion comic, so it's not exactly comic nor pure animation, kinda in between. Thus when I usually watch these things, it's a lukewarm experience, but I did enjoy Broken Saints which was an influence. This was a lot of work but the challenge was worth it and taught me a lot about narrative. It was suppose to spearhead an edlab educational initiative where teens would use media technology or something like that. So I had the protagonist armed with a digital video camera. It was suppose to lead up to some sort of contest, but the AfterEd channel directive began steering away from ventures such as this and thus we had to leave audience in a cliffhanger.
I wrote, drew, colored, animated produced, and did most of the sound. I was fried. I couldn't have done it without my two gurus. Skye MacLeod and Josh Anderson were a tremendous force in helping me animate this mini-epic. Josh also contributed some of the music tracks. Much thanks goes to Joachim Castellano who had the vision to suggest something like this as well as the guts to push for it. I hope you enjoy. Below are the episode which are stitched together with new title animation I made. Each title is a play on words of certain sci-fi movies.
My students whom I showed it seemed to enjoy it and still remember it. They still ask about it and are expecting me to finish it because they want to know the ending. So maybe somewhere in there we did something right.
Episode 1: Closely Encountered
Episode 2: Late to the Future
Episode 3: Space Oddity
Episode 4: No Silent Runnings in the Hall
Episode 5: Cafeteria Event: Horizons (Season Finale)
Below are some of the storyboards...